Thursday 18 February 2016

A Church without a Mission to accomplish is a dead Church.

Missions are the Life Blood of every Local Church wherever it may be located.
It’s true, the Church is "sanctuary". It has been said many times that the church is not a museum for saints; it is a hospital for broken people. We come to be saved, healed and remade by His love and by His Word but as we are saved, healed and remade, so must we help others. As we have found Salvation in Christ Jesus so must we bring others to the saving knowledge of the Son of God. We cannot use Church attendance as just an escape from the world. We must also remember that we can find sanctuary within and do not need a brick and mortar building to find it !
 And what do people say about your church after they have visited? Were they WELCOMED and made to feel "at home?" This is important...and just as important...are our churches praying for each member, AND ministering to each other, and saving the lost for Christ.  I know so many people who are really being assaulted by the world outside and need the "sanctuary of the church only to be told you aren't doing enough or not welcome. 
It's called a sanctuary for a reason so let's praise God and pray for our brothers and sisters who make it into the church for guidance, prayer, fellowship and support.  The Local Church should commits to pray for Global evangelization, sending and supporting Missionaries as they plant more Churches in an unreached area of our world today. The Church holds children of God journeying to become Christ like. Proclaiming the message of Christ Jesus to a dying world, rescuing the perishing caring for the dying souls. 
 Whose mission is it?
This is the Mission of God assigned to the Church of God to accomplish. The Lord Jesus Himself started it and commands us to finish it, till He come back again. 
Do all churches have the same mission? Let consider the following text.
(Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:15-18, Luke 24:47, John 17:18 and Acts 1:8)


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